Monday, May 13, 2013

They Say Home Is Where The Heart Is.

They say, “Home is where the heart is.”
But what if your heart is in two places at once?
I’m in the phase of being a new expat where you feel as though you have two homes.
Desperately trying to cling to the place I’ve called home for 23 years,
While loving and adopting Ho Chi Minh City as my new home.
Aching at the thought of missed band concerts, musicals, sporting events, graduations, wedding planning, family get-togethers, and friends;
But finding freedom and independence in living in a new place and learning-seeing new things.
Wanting to be in on all of the jokes and memories in this time of my family’s life,
Yet loving being able to make memories of my own.
It’s quite the mind boggle.

It’s pretty easy to get into routine and coast through life. I can’t believe I have been calling Vietnam home for 10 months! That is just loony. My first year of teaching has a mere 21 days left! It has gone by so fast. I have learned SO much! Not only have I learned how to actually be a kinda teacher, but I’ve adapted to a new culture, learned some of the language, learned how to ride a motor bike and not die in HCMC traffic (an accomplishment!—however no license yet.. sorry dad), made many new life long friends, and learned a lot about what makes me, me. It’s been a rollercoaster of emotions from excitement, to deep valley lows, and back up to the tops of the mountains (literally—climbed Mt. Fansipan {dubbed “Fancy Pants}). It’s been a great experience and I am anxious to see what the next year (or more) has in store for me.

However, I have recently booked my airline tickets home. Knowing that there is a ticket home with my name on it makes is SUPER DEE DUPER hard to stay focused on the tasks at hand; such as, teaching kindergarten, finding a new house for next year, packing up this house, packing up the classroom, report cards, and the list ensues.)[ƟMay be the wrong usage of ensues?] The workload is daunting and I’m tempted to pull a Krystal and just let it happen. Trying to be proactive in this time is much harder than usual. I also am trying to make the most of the time I have with the teachers not returning, and making a few more memories before everyone parts ways for the summer.

I am so ready to see my friends and family and welcome two new brothers into the family! It is very important to me to not wish away the precious time I have left with my inaugural Kindergarten class. They have taught me so much, and I love each and every one of them. It’s like being stuck in the middle of a rock and a hard place. Or maybe more like being caught in the ocean current. The open sea and the near by land are beckoning for me. The strength of the ocean current tosses me back and forth: “think about school, you’re almost done!” “No! You need to invest in your sisters before they marry off!” “Why do you want to be ‘done,’ don’t you like your kids, don’t you want to be their teacher?” “Shut up you! I want to hang out with my Iowans!” By the time you stagger to shore, your plum tuckered out and need a beer. Phew!

That’s pretty much where I’m at. Love my life here, but aching for that taste of home. Can your heart be in more places than one?

-On a side note, I just finished my 3rd half marathon on Saturday! It was a blistering 107 degrees (41C) beginning at 3:30PM! Because of the severe heat, I ran slower than usual, but still came out with a 2:26 time. So I’m content with that.
We had a friend suffer a severe heat stroke at the end of his 10K race (5th place!), and had to spend a scary night in the Phu Quoc small town hospital. But, thanks be to God, he is recovering and doing well! Keep him in your prayers as he continues to heal.

Alright, that’s all for now! Maybe next time won’t be so far off?
We’ll see

1 comment:

  1. This is incredible Krystal! I'm so proud of you and I love you very much!
